+421 915 874 120

Anchored balloon flights

Anchored balloon flights

The minimum number of passangers is 2. When restrained, balloon flight is fixed by a rope and is able to soar to the height of about 30 meters. Around 50 passengers can use this balloon in a single hour. This attraction is especially suitable for company events.

The conditions for ballooning:
  • Outputs balloon can make up to 30 m above the ground
  • The place must be as large as half a football field
  • An area must be fenced or otherwise protected against harm to persons
  • Must have a landowner consent
  • During the event, winds must be slower than 3 m/s and there must not be a rain
  • During one hour, will take about 50 people per flight takes about 3 min.
Price list
* First hour 500 €
* Each additional hour € 400
  • Excl. VAT and freight.*
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